Hong Kong
in Exile

The Hague

A Symposium

The inaugural "ImagiNation: Hong Kong in Exile" symposium will be held in The Hague in 2024. The Hague is the home of international courts and best embodies the symposium's aspirations for universal justice. The symposium is structured around three themes: "Preserving Identity," "Artistic Activism," and "Cultural Reshaping." These themes respectively focus on the past, present, and future. The symposium aims to explore the artistic and cultural development of the overseas Hong Kong diaspora, clarify the interactive relationship between culture and identity, promote interdisciplinary dialogue, and underscore the significance of shaping the narrative of Hong Kong. Scholars, advocates, and artists are called upon to delve deeply into Hong Kong's resilience amid ongoing changes, in order to construct a future for the displaced people of Hong Kong.


“We never position ourselves at the forefront, yet as others departed, we persisted, and that's how you discovered us on the frontline.”
Hong Kong Artist Duo,
Lumli Lumlong
“I didn't leave Hong Kong, Hong Kong left me.”
Hong Kong Political Artist,
Kacey Wong
“The worst thing that could happen was if nothing happened and that no one cares.”
Creator of Pillar of Shame
Jens Galschiøt
“Tenderness is the only force to rewrite the brutal reality.”
Hong Kong Performance Artist,
Loretta Lau

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